Sunday 10 February 2008

Repairs and new build

Another nice day, unseasonably warm (not that I am complaining!), although not quite as sunny as yesterday.

Equipped with hammers, nails and cable ties, we were all set for today big jobs. After a generous amount of swearing (me) and a few bruised fingers (me again), we had a strong and hopefully wind proof fence and a brand new compost bin.

The back fence

Single compost bin yesterday

And its twin today - so that we can now use them in rotation

The struggling broad beans were offered a little protection with a glass roof.

And the fruit bushes were moved to their new permanent position, to make way for a bigger strawberry bed.

Left, strawberry bed and fruit bushes at the back before they were moved; right, fruit bushes in their new border, with a few of last year runners planted underneath


urbanbumpkin said...

How were your Ken Muir strawberries last year?

We were thinking of getting some, but the fact we have to buy them in 12s seems a bit much, so we weren't sure.

urbanbumpkin said...

Thanks for the offer of strawberries! That would be lovely if you have spare ones.

I'm sure we will be able to swap you something later in the year.

How about peas? I have 4 different varieties of seed, and loads of parsnip seeds!